

The Dean personally sent me down here to invite you to a small cocktail hour for some of our, uh, more realistic candidates. And we’d like to keep this sort of thing discreet, so if you’d subtly hand me your name tag, you can proceed directly to the Dean’s office. Congratulations.


  • how do I sign up for today’s law school tour? 报名参加


  • You read books, I read people. 你爱读书 我爱阅人


  • Harvard Law is the oldest law school in the country and boasts the most successful graduates in the world. Currently, we are six of nine Supreme Court justices, and, of course, the President of the United States.





    3 thoughts on “Mike参观哈佛法学院”

    1. All right. You’re going to start a week from Monday. Here’s what you’re going to do. First, no more pot. We drug test. Stop smoking now, you’ll be fine. I assume that’s all the drugs you do.
      MIKE: How did you know that?
      HARVEY: You read books, I read people. And pot-heads smoke pot. That’s what they do.
      That’s not all I do. I have interests.
      You’re Albert “frigging” Einstein and you couldn’t manage to get into law school? You think that’s not from smoking weed?
      – Trevor got…
      – That’s another thing. You’re never going to talk to Trevor again. You’re going to ditch that briefcase and you’re going to get on a plane to Harvard and you’re going to learn everything there is about going to law school there. – Did you buy that suit?
      – Yeah.
      Let’s buy some new ones.
      Hi. Uh, how do I sign up for today’s law school tour?
      You go back in time six weeks, because that’s when it booked up. Um… This is Harvard Law. We get over 7,000 applications a year. You think you can just walk in and take a tour?
      Thank you.
      WATKINS: Uh, Eduardo Fernandez, who first of all looks like he works at the public pool or something, and he comes up to me the other day and I completely know he’s a freshman. He looks at me and he goes, “Where is the Public Health School”? Which is right around the corner. – You know what I tell him?
      – Clifford Watkins? Excuse me.
      Can I help you?
      Jonathan Atwater. I work for Dean Wormer in the admissions office?
      Yes, of course. What can I do for you?
      The Dean personally sent me down here to invite you to a small cocktail hour for some of our, uh, more realistic candidates. And we’d like to keep this sort of thing discreet, so if you’d subtly hand me your name tag, you can proceed directly to the Dean’s office. Congratulations.
      WOMAN: Harvard Law is the oldest law school in the country and boasts the most successful graduates in the world. Currently, we are six of nine Supreme Court justices, and, of course, the President of the United States.

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