合同翻译经典句型荟萃 不可抗力和通知部分

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Force majeure preventing a party from performing any of its obligations under this Contract, in whole or in part, may be asserted against the other party only if the prevented party gives notice by registered mail of the inception and cessation of the force majeure within fifteen (15) days in each case enclosing a confirmation by the proper authorities or published information attesting the reality of the facts and the accuracy of the data supplied. 一方因遭受不可抗力而不能全部或部分履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,可以通知另一方不可抗力的存在,条件是遭受方应在不可抗力发生和终止后十五(15)日内,分别用挂号信向另一方发出该不可抗力的起始和终止的通知,并附上有关当局的证明或公开发布的消息,证明事实真相和所提供的材料的准确性。

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