



英译:This is to certify that Zhang San (male, born on October, 3, 1960) is now unmarried.


所以译成:Zhang San (male, born on October, 3, 1960): present marital status is unmarried.


英译:The usual way of signing an economic contract is that one of interested parties puts forward his suggestion that a contract be signed and clearly sets forth the specific contents of major provisions in the contract.

分析:此句的主要内容是“签订合同时,通常的做法是提出签订合同的建议,规定合同的内容,因此,先将“签订经济合同”译成状语“in the course of signing an economic contract”,再译“通常的做法是”为 “the usual practice is”,这里的“做法”是指习惯、惯例,因此“way”应改为 “practice”。中间的”由当事人中的一方提出签订合同的建议”应改译成带逻辑主语的不定式结构 “for one of the interested parties to….”,体现出原文的由合同当事人提出“建议”;另外这里的“建议”应改用 propose加名词从句,比 put forward a suggestion显得更严谨些。

所以译成:In the course of signing an economic contract the usual practice is for one of the interested parties to propose that a contract be signed and clearly sets forth the specific contents of major provisions in the contract.


英译:Li Ming has not been punished according to the criminal law during his living in China.

分析:此句中的“not to be punished” 与表示一段时间的during 短语连用不恰当,况且,此句证明的是“没有受过刑罚的记载”,而“触犯刑律”也应译成:“commit an offence against the criminal law”, 所以改译成:“Li Ming has no record of committing offences against the criminal law” 意义更具体明确;另外,“在中国居住期间”应译为“during his residence in China”,“居住”这个词选用 “residence”而不用 “living”,更强调一个住所的永久性和合法性。


英译:This letter of Guarantee will come into force from this day and will lose its effect when your company has received all the usance drafts accepted by the Buyer and endorsed by our Bank.

分析:法律文书中表示义务或规定时,第三人称后面要用 “shall”不用 “will”. “from this day”不确切,宜改为 “on its issuing draft”。 “will lose its effect”也用得欠妥, “effect”在这里的含义是“效应、结果”;况且此句的关键内容是指“有效期到何时终止”,故应选择 “remain valid until…” 结构;另外“your company” 宜改为“you”。

故后面的这一句应译成: “…shall remain valid until you have received all the usance drafts accepted by the Buyer and endorsed by our Bank”.


英译:The right of interpretation for the Detailed Rules and Regulations belongs to the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China.

分析:“the right of interpretation for the Detailed Rules and Regulations”不能准确地表达出“解释细则的权利”,应改为 “the right of interpreting the Detailed Rules and Regulations”。

句中谓语动词 “belong to” 也用得欠妥:“belong to” 的含义是“属于…的财产”,这里的“属于”是指“权利、权力等为 ….所有”,故应选用 “reside in ”,如:“决定权属于上级机构”,译为:“The power of decision resides in the higher authorities”.


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